Monday, July 2, 2012

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Lost. His obedient hands of rifles thrown on the ground, and then took off his waist a few grenades thrown on the ground, then and from the jacket pocket and pulled out two plastic explosives and several detonators from his pocket and took out pistol, the last two boots, each pulled out a jungle knife.
I was confused by his armed to the teeth of the equipment to create misunderstandings, really can not think of his body even with so many things, I reckon, count just the guise of him with a total of at least 20 kilograms of things. Really do not understand, this is not war, with so many things to act how could flexible.
I let him turned, looked at his appearance. He had unusually thick beard, the whole face almost can not see the outline of tall, very burly, it seems the power is not small. Just look twinkling eyes, it seems timid.
Mohammed Khalid Sheikh, Israeli Mossad agents. He was so angry I almost laughed out loud, fighting back, said: their people. Was my dress down, his face first a little unnatural, but then poised said: I sneer, said: I said, hands in one fell swoop pistol, making potential is necessary to open fire. In fact, I have not tried to kill him, a bomb so proficient talent is exactly what I needed, but did not think this Muhammad even splash knelt to the ground. Followed by the first low even to knock their heads side knock the edge for mercy and said: $ 500,000 ...... As he spoke, a sudden lift of the right hand,pink basketball shoes, pulls out a golden yellow De Linji Palm Thunder. But this time I had been to prepare for, such a cunning fellow, also a liar, how could listen obediently. His gun up, and my gun will be in the top of his head.
Finally, he put the gun into the ground,north face boots women, accept their fate, said: To see him finally throw in the towel, I also put the gun up, and then said: He looked puzzled look at me and suddenly said: I looked at his face firm, said: In the vagaries of light and shadow in the rain forest, his presence even extremely tall.
In the evening, the two of us returned to the the Mitu hotels, Kobayashi feel people have been waiting for a little anxious. I entered the room, Sato Kazuo they hurried forward and said:

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